When you turn on your air conditioning unit for the first time during the summer, you may think you should close off HVAC registers in rooms you aren’t using. You may even think this will save you money and help direct air into rooms you are using, cooling only the parts of your house you deem most important.
However, it is important to understand why closing off your HVAC registers may cause more harm to your system than you even realize. Our team at Genuine Comfort wants you to understand exactly what is happening in your HVAC system if you close off HVAC registers.
Why Would You Close Your HVAC Registers?
There are many reasons why you might close off HVAC registers. This can include a room feeling too warm or too cold. You may also consider closing your HVAC register if you don’t regularly use the room, thinking it may save you money and direct the air to other parts of your home.
Should You Close Off HVAC Registers?
Though you might believe closing your HVAC registers in unused rooms is a good idea, they should never be shut more than 75%. When you close off HVAC registers, you may believe you are helping warm or cool other portions of your home. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and you may be doing more harm than good for your home’s HVAC system.
What Happens If You Close Your HVAC Register?
HVAC systems are designed specifically to fit your home’s proportions. Each vent serves a purpose. When you close off HVAC registers in rooms you are not using, you throw off the airflow through your HVAC system. When vents are closed, your system works on overdrive, trying to warm or cool rooms, which can increase air pressure in your vents.
What Is Static Pressure?
Static pressure is the resistance to airflow in your ventilation system. This pressure builds up as you close off HVAC registers. A build-up of static pressure in your vents can lead to problems within your vents and HVAC system.
Signs Of Static Pressure
You should look out for several signs that indicate that you may have static pressure in your HVAC system. It is crucial that you keep a close eye on your HVAC system if you suspect static pressure build-up. These signs of static pressure include the following:
- Increasing Energy Bills: If you notice that your energy bill is climbing higher and higher every month, this is a good sign that there might be static pressure in your HVAC system. As static pressure builds in your system, it has to work harder to warm and cool your home, using more energy.
- Spotty Heating And Cooling: If you notice spotty heating and cooling from your HVAC system, it indicates static pressure. This spotty heating and cooling can include hot or cold air only coming out of one side of a register due to the pressure causing unbalanced airflow throughout your home.
- Noisy HVAC: Your HVAC system shouldn’t make too much noise when it turns on or while it is running. If, however, you are nosing loud whooshing noises as your system turns on, you may have static pressure in your HVAC system.
What Does Static Pressure Do To Your HVAC System?
As we mentioned, when you close off HVAC registers in unused rooms, many problems can present themselves. These problems include the following:
- You may experience a premature breakdown of your system.
- The static pressure may exacerbate leaks in the system.
- Build up of pressure against the vent can lead to mold growth.
- The pressure may cause damage to your heat exchanger, leading to carbon monoxide leaks.
Maintaining Your HVAC System With Professionals You Can Trust
When adjusting your home’s HVAC registers, you must avoid closing them completely. It doesn’t serve you as you may think it will and can lead to more substantial problems down the road. If you are interested in adjusting your home’s vents, it is essential to remember not to close off HVAC registers more than 75% closed to allow proper airflow to continue.
If you are dealing with static pressure in your HVAC system and aren’t sure what to do, your best course of action is to schedule regular system maintenance. A team of trusted professionals should help you keep your HVAC system running at its highest efficiency and avoid unexpected damage.
If you are looking for a team of professionals to help you maintain your home’s HVAC system, Genuine Comfort is the right team. With highly-trained technicians and years of experience, we are confident that we can help keep your home comfortable for you and your family.
If you are interested in scheduling regular HVAC maintenance or would like to speak with a member of our team, reach out to us today.
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