A variable speed furnace can provide many different benefits for your property. While these furnaces may initially come with higher expenses, they often make up for this with reduced utility costs. Understanding the many benefits that these furnaces provide can go a long way toward allowing you to make the best decision for your property.
What a Variable Speed Furnace Does
A variable speed furnace is different from other furnaces because it allows you to adjust the blower speed. This often provides you with much more control over the system. A variable speed furnace won’t immediately start blowing at 100% capacity. Instead, it starts at a lower speed and works up until it meets the exact needs of your building.
Increased Air Quality
One of the major benefits of variable speed furnaces is the increased air quality they provide inside of your property. These blowers allow you to slow the air down as it goes through the system. This makes it easier for filters to extract foreign particles from the air and provides an increased air quality. These furnaces are ideal for homes that contain individuals with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory concerns.
Improved Efficiency
Variable speed furnaces can also help to provide improved efficiency for your system. Because they begin at a lower speed, they don’t provide the “start and stop” aspect of other systems. This can help to reduce your energy expenses and save money over the long run.
There are many benefits to installing a variable speed furnace in your building. They can help to increase the efficiency of the system, improve the air quality of your home, and ensure a far more comfortable environment. To learn more about why you should consider a variable speed furnace for your property, contact us at Genuine Comfort or watch our video.
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